Licensing Requirments for California Acupuncturists
Here in the United States, each state has its own licensing requirements. In California, standard training involves 2 to 4 years of college plus the completion of a 4 year program at an accredited oriental medical school. The training includes the different aspects of Oriental Medicine as well as classes in Western Medicine and medical sciences. Upon graduation most oriental medical schools grant the degree of Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. Although some oriental medical schools also offer a Doctoral Degree, the Masters Degree is currently the highest accredited degree in the field here in the United States.
The prospective California acupuncturist must then pass the California State Board Exam before getting a license to practice acupuncture. An acupuncturist is considered a primary heathcare provider and therefore can be seen without a referral from a M.D. Acupuncture is regulated under the California Department of Consumer Affairs, Acupuncture Board and can be contacted at